The Compliance Section interprets and applies Federal, State, and Tribal laws in order to ensure the preservation of the Seminole past and present. The Compliance Section is responsible for the review of federal undertakings located within the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s area of interest – the geographic area considered by the Seminole Tribe of Florida to be ancestral, aboriginal, or ceded, that comprise the Southeastern United States, and its six reservations within the state of Florida. The Compliance Section ensures compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Archaeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA), and the 404 permit program, as assumed by the state of Florida, through government-to-government consultations.
Please submit consultation requests electronically. If the consultation request package exceeds 25MB or other technical difficulties are experienced, FTP website information is available upon request. Please allow 30 calendar days for review from receipt of materials.
To submit a project for consideration and/or review by the Seminole Tribe of Florida Tribal Historic Preservation Office (STOF THPO) please provide the following information:
1) A description of the undertaking/ proposed action including the location, number, extent, and types of impacts (grading, trenching, etc.).
2) A description of the Area of Potential Effect (APE) including,
a. Quality aerial maps that clearly show the APE boundaries.
b. Photographs of the APE/study area/permit area.
c. The APE/study area/permit area's extent and dimensions,
historical and current cultural and ecological environment,
and its prior and current land use classification.
3) A list of previously conducted cultural resource investigations within the APE and quality aerial maps that depict the coverage/extent of previous surveys.
4) A descriptive list of any previously identified cultural resources within and adjacent to the APE/study area/permit area with corresponding Section 106 National Register of Historic places eligibility determinations.
5) Quality aerial maps that depict the location(s) of previously identified cultural resources within and adjacent to the APE/study area/permit area.
6) Lastly, we greatly appreciate the delivery of any undertakings/project GIS file geodatabases and/or shapefiles to facilitate our review.
Suzan Harjo, 2003, Statement for the Oversight Hearing on Native American Sacred Places before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate
Compliance Manager
Compliance Manager:
Danielle Simon
Compliance Analyst II:
Victoria Menchaca